Olympians of Riga Technical University in 110 Years. 1912–2022. Cover

Olympians of Riga Technical University in 110 Years 1912–2022

lze Gudro, Riga Technical University, Latvia
ORCID iD http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3308-9692

Alīda Zigmunde, Riga Technical University, Latvia
ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4829-6536

Scientific Editor:
Alīda Zigmunde, Riga Technical University, Latvia
ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4829-6536

The scientific monograph presents materials on the students, graduates and academic personnel of Riga Polytechnicum established in 1862, later called Riga Polytechnic Institute, and its successor Riga Technical University, as well as the engineering faculties of the University of Latvia, who participated in the Olympic Games. The monograph discusses their sports activities and their relationships with the Latvian Olympic Committee. The study is dedicated to the athletes who participated in the Olympic Games from 1912 to 2022. The monograph is based on documents from the Latvian State Historical Archive of the National Archives of Latvia, the RPI / RTU Archive, the documents of the archive of the Latvian Olympic Committee, materials from the RTU Sports Centre (till 2017 – Sports Club), Latvian Sports Museum, RTU Research Centre for Engineering History, RTU History Museum and library collections, supplemented by materials from the Olympians’ private archives and interviews with them.

Additional information

Publication type




ISBN (pdf)

ISBN 978-9934-22-755-4

ISBN (print)

ISBN 978-9934-22-754-7



Publication date

Published online

Publication language



RTU Press

Country of Publication
