A Breath of Fresh Air for the European Green Deal: Energy Efficiency and Climate Neutrality Factors

Summary of the Doctoral Thesis

Reinis Āzis, Riga Technical University, Latvia


The topics covered and the research framework as such provide multiple level takeaways regarding energy efficiency and climate neutrality. The research, therefore, elaborates on concepts central to the academic debate at the time of the writing and undercuts patterns and proposals relevant for multiple actors within the local and global energy market. In fact, the research develops broader discussion regarding any strategic energy-efficiency related goal and the complexity and multiple threads that meeting such a goal would entail.

The research also explicitly elaborates on the role of energy efficiency in both climate transition and energy system transformation. In addition, it uncovers the scope of various policies implemented on a local level and discusses their role in meeting the climate targets in medium and long-term. Furthermore, the research also elaborates on the role of bioeconomy and climate neutrality.

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