DT: Gaisa mitruma, gaisa un ledus temperatūras ietekme uz berzes pāra nerūsējošais tērauds-ledus slīdēšanu raksturojošiem parametriem. COVER

Gaisa mitruma, gaisa un ledus temperatūras ietekme uz berzes pāra nerūsējošais tērauds-ledus slīdēšanu raksturojošiem parametriem

Doctoral Thesis

Ernests Jansons, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6526-4224

The influence of environmental parameters (air humidity, air and ice temperature) on the friction pair stainless steel-ice sliding ability is studied in the dissertation. Based on empirical measurements, a sliding time prediction model, depending on environmental conditions and measurement and prediction methodology, was developed. The texture and mechanical properties of the ice surface and the surface texture of steel samples were studied. The macrogeometry of the experimental samples was measured, the factors influencing the measurement accuracy in on-field experiments were analysed, and the experimental results in on-field and laboratory conditions were compared.

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