Sililgrupas 1,2-nobīdes pielietojums funkcionalizētu alkēnu sintēzē no propargilsilāniem. vāks

Harnessing the 1,2-Silyl Shift for the Synthesis of Functionalized Alkenes From Propargyl Silanes

Doctoral Thesis

Rūdolfs Beļaunieks, Riga Technical University, Latvia

The Doctoral Thesis has been prepared as a collection of thematically related scientific publications complemented by summaries in Latvian and English. The Doctoral Thesis unites four scientific publications. Herein we have developed novel synthetic strategies for the electrophile-induced synthesis of functionalized alkenes from propargyl silanes. Developed methods allow to synthesize allyl-functionalized alkenes, heterocyclic derivatives, and sulfolenes. Obtained products have been demonstrated as useful synthetic building blocks for pharmaceutical or materials science industries.

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