DT: Interneta pakalpojuma kvalitātes novērtēšanas un uzraudzības metodikas izstrāde. COVER

Interneta pakalpojuma kvalitātes novērtēšanas un uzraudzības metodikas izstrāde

Doctoral Thesis

Inga Vagale, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0825-2304

In the Doctoral Thesis the framework for monitoring and promoting quality and development of broadband Internet has been evaluated, as well as related shortcomings and problems of its actual applicability have been identified. An assessment of end-user’s centric internet quality indicators has been performed, and based on mathematical analysis, a concept for determining and reflecting the actual internet service quality values has been developed. Special emphasis is placed on determination of the objective methods for the evaluation of connection speed indicators and definition of measurement principles. The Thesis provides suggestions of determining the areas of insufficient broadband internet coverage, based on the information obtained within the geographical survey, which, in turn, can be used to plan the deployment of broadband networks, thus facilitating the availability of universal service in the country. Study results related to the quality of broadband internet services have been summarised in this Thesis. In addition, it contains suggestions for the implementation of a practical methodology that evaluates the quality of the internet service that is being provided.

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