DT: Īpašnieku vadītu mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu pārvaldība. COVER

Īpašnieku vadītu mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu pārvaldība

Doctoral Thesis

Māris Millers, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2814-9109

The Doctoral Thesis examines how understanding of small and medium-sized enterprises, concept of owner-manager and government practices have evolved and changed over time. Empirical study on governance of owner-managed SMEs has been carried out, and research data have been analyzed using methods of statistical and visual analysis. A new typology of SME owners-managers, SME profiling based on governance approaches, and methodology that SME owners and managers can use to analyze and develop their businesses is developed in this work.

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