PD: Jaunās paaudzes šķiedru optisko pastiprinātāju izpēte un novērtējums blīvētās sakaru sistēmās. Cover

Jaunās paaudzes šķiedru optisko pastiprinātāju izpēte un novērtējums blīvētās sakaru sistēmās

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Lilita Ģēģere, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5513-1177

In recent years, the information technology sector has developed rapidly and there has been a rapid increase in the amount of information transmitted. The demand for larger telecommunication network capacities is growing, therefore it is necessary to increase the number of channels and transmission speed in wavelength division multiplexed transmission systems. Various optical amplifiers can be used to compensate for the attenuation of the accumulated signal (over a wide wavelength range). The Doctoral Thesis did research on the use of EDFA, Raman, FOPA and combined optical amplifiers in wavelength division multiplexing systems. In the work, special emphasis is placed on erbium and ytterbium alloy fibers with the study of computer modeling of optical amplifiers in cladding pumping technology.

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