DT: Modification of Cysteine and Selenocystine-containing Peptides by Electrophilic Cyclization and Visible Light-induced Reactions. COVER

Modification of Cysteine and Selenocystine-containing Peptides by Electrophilic Cyclization and Visible Light-induced Reactions

Doctoral Thesis

Sindija Lapčinska, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7745-8392

The Doctoral Thesis has been prepared as a collection of thematically related scientificpublications that includes six scientific publications. Simple and efficient methods for functionalization of cysteine and selenocystine-containing peptides were established based on the generation of sulfenyl or selenyl electrophile. The electrophilic species were subsequently used in 5- and 6-endo-dig cyclization reactions yielding (hetero)cyclic systems. Novel atom-economic methods were developed for modification of selenocystine-containing peptides under visible light irradiation.

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