Oglekļsaistīga lauksaimniecība ceļā uz klimatneitralitāti

Summary of Doctoral Thesis

Ketija Bumbiere, Riga Technical University, Latvia
ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3004-9115

The Thesis aims to analyse the current situation of the agricultural sector and define the prerequisites for the development of the sector on the way towards carbon-restricted and sustainable agriculture.  Several methods were used for the analysis of the agricultural sector – carbon balance method, sustainability SWOT analysis, multi-criteria analysis, TIMES, and system dynamics. This Thesis is a proof of the critical importance of smart and sustainable agricultural management, which is so dependent on the laws passed by the responsible persons. Using the research results and the developed models in future decision-making, both at the company and national level, it would be possible to significantly increase the competitiveness of agriculture in the global market, reducing its future dependence on state subsidies, while significantly reducing its impact on the environment and climate change.

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RTU Press

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