Ziņu mediju zīmola vadība 21. gadsimta mediju biznesa vidē
Summary of the Doctoral Thesis
Linda Saulīte, Riga Technical University, Latvia
The media industry has experienced significant transformation due to digitalization. The development of various technological platforms, mainly social media platforms, has created new habits in consuming media content and news and contributes to decreasing media brand associations and a corresponding decrease in news media brand equity. The topicality of the Doctoral Thesis research is related to the national news brands’ challenges in the existing media environment. It aims to ascertain how to strengthen the brand uniqueness and brand equity of the national news media as perceived by Generation Z and to develop a methodology for strengthening the brand uniqueness and equity of the news media.
Additional information
Publication type | |
DOI | |
Defence date | 14.04.2023. |
Format | |
ISBN (pdf) | |
Pages | 59 |
Publication date | |
Published online | |
Publication language | |
Publisher | RTU Press |
Country of Publication | Latvia |
Funding source |