DT: Atkritumi kā efektīvs resurss ceļā uz aprites ekonomikas modeli. Cover

Atkritumi kā efektīvs resurss ceļā uz aprites ekonomikas modeli

Doctoral Thesis

Rudīte Vesere, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5023-402X

The research subject of the Doctoral Thesis is waste as an efficient resource on the way to a circular economy model. According to the Circular Economy Package, EU member states have set qualitative and quantitative goals in the waste management, including waste volume reduction and thoughtful management.

The hypothesis put forward for the study includes the assumption that for Latvia to become a resource-efficient country in the long term and to implement a circular economy model and a zero waste strategy, a more sustainable result needs to be achieved and scientific research methods need to be applied throughout the decision-making process.

The Thesis is based on ten, thematically related scientific publications, which have been published in scientific journals and are available in databases of scientific publications.

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RTU Press

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