Cyber-Physical Systems for Clean Transportation
Scholarly Books
Group of authors from:
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kriviy Rih National University, KU Leuven, Riga Technical University.
Scientific Editors:
Nadezhda Kunicina, Leonids Ribickis, Andrii Hnatov, Kateryna Danylenko.
The book is aimed at specialists in electromechanics. It provides an overview of hybrid and electric cars, explains the principles of their operation, discusses energy-saving technologies in transport and mathematical aspects of multimodal transportation.
The authors describe the specifics of applying the project approach to the development of cyber-physical systems for clean transportation, intelligent information technologies and systems in transport, EMC related aspects of cyber-physical systems in cars, and road traffic cyber-physical systems microsimulation.
Additional information
Publication type | |
DOI | |
Format | |
ISBN (pdf) | 978-9934-22-676-2 |
Pages | 391 |
Published online | |
Publication language | |
Publisher | RTU Press |
Country of Publication | Latvia |
Funding | ERASMUS+ |