DT: Gaisa kuģa borta kontroles ierīču pētniecība un optimizācija pacelšanās un nosēšanās etapos. COVER

Gaisa kuģa borta kontroles ierīču pētniecība un optimizācija pacelšanās un nosēšanās etapos

Doctoral Thesis

Artūrs Suharevs, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5438-1732

This Thesis presents a universal method for determining the airplane braking and takeoff paths using the output data from the inertial navigation system and auxiliary systems. The result is a designed and assembled electronic device, based on the algorithm that determines how many meters are left to safely stop the aircraft or to the point of separation from ground in the case of takeoff. The device is designed to facilitate the work of an aircrew, increase the safety of flights, as well as to more efficiently use the resources of the aircraft.

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