Ilgtspējīga vides inženierijas izglītības attīstība
Doctoral Thesis
Antra Kalnbaļķīte, Riga Technical University, Latvia
In the Doctoral Thesis, six different mathematical tools were used – multi-criteria decision analysis, study programme evaluation, performance, bibliometric, system dynamics, and qualitative research – with the aim to develop, analyse and approbate seven modules for assessing the potential and opportunities for sustainable development of environmental engineering education: 1) ranking module; 2) innovative study process module; 3) co-creation implementation module; 4) behaviour module; 5) diplomatic relations module; 6) distance learning module; and 7) scientific innovation transfer module.
Additional information
Publication type | |
Defence date | 03.11.2023. |
Format | |
Pages | 230 |
Publication date | |
Published online | |
Publication language | |
Publisher | RTU Press |
Country of Publication | Latvia |
Funding source |