RTU Mašīnzinību, transporta un aeronautikas fakultātes zinātniski metodiskās konferences «Izaicinājumi inženierzinātņu augstākajā izglītībā» tēžu krājums. Cover

RTU Mašīnzinību, transporta un aeronautikas fakultātes zinātniski metodiskās konferences «Izaicinājumi inženierzinātņu augstākajā izglītībā»

Book of Abstracts

Riga Technical University

This is the abstract book of the scientific methodological conference “Challenges in Higher Engineering Education” of RTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics (FMETA) which took place online on 15 April 2021. The FMETA teaching staff of the study field “Mechanics and Metalworking, Heat Power, Heat Engineering and Mechanical Engineering” and of RTU Daugavpils Study and Science Centre participated in the conference. The aim of the conference was to share the experience gained in successful providing of distance learning and research.

The discussed topics and the conclusions expressed regarding further course of study could be useful not only for the conference participants but also for other researchers and teaching staff.

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RTU Press

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