DT: Inovatīvu koka-betona kompozītu konstrukciju racionāls risinājums. Cover

Inovatīvu koka-betona kompozītu konstrukciju racionāls risinājums

Doctoral Thesis

Karīna Buka-Vaivade, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7296-8158

Within the framework of the Thesis, a sustainable solution of timber-concrete composite structure has been developed with an innovative method of producing a rigid connection, which ensures the most effective synergy of materials. The performance of the full composite action has been investigated by numerical experiments as well as laboratory bending and shear tests. A methodology and software based on it have been developed for the determination of rational cross-section parameters and materials of timber-concrete composite slabs with full composite action. The possibilities of effective use of operational modal analysis and ultrasonic testing for construction quality control have been tested and determined.

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RTU Press

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