DT: Research of Parallel Computing Neuro-fuzzy Networks for Unmanned Vehicles. COVER

Research of Parallel Computing Neuro-fuzzy Networks for Unmanned Vehicles

Doctoral Thesis

Donato Repole, Riga Technical University, Latvia

The Doctoral Thesis illustrates the author’s research in the field of VHDL based ‘neuro-fuzzy controllers’.

The Thesis examines a novel software tool for the high-level ‘neuro-fuzzy controller’ description capable of executing controller simulations, optimisation tasks, performing learning / training tasks, and exporting the controller in VHDL code.

The author introduces a design strategy that is looking for developing solutions for complex controller architecture of mobile robotic vehicles (of any nature) or even for multiple industrial application. This work enables further investigative research into autonomous robotics, particularly into the physical implementation of an autonomous aerial unmanned vehicle from an inexpensive RC plane.

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