Skolēnu zinātniskās pētniecības darbu tēžu krājums cover

Skolēnu zinātniskās pētniecības darbu tēžu krājums

Nr. 1 (2019)

Riga Technical University Engineering High School

The students of RTU EHS have achieved excellent national and international academic achievements in different competitions and subject Olympiads, and school in a short term has received several awards and first prizes in several school rankings.

The school has a successful collaboration with RTU – the university’s teaching staff have enrolled in several subjects and students have access to RTU laboratories to perform various experiments, allowing them to verify the importance of theory in practice.

Each EHS student must develop at least one research paper, but many curious EHS students choose to do this repeatedly – some already in grade 10, some even in all three years of high school. The contest for students’ scientific research is traditionally organized at three levels: at school; region; in the country. This is the first published collection of scientific theses of the students of RTU EHS.

These are theses of EHS students’ research paper who have received an award at least at the regional level. The theses published in the collection confirm that the students’ of EHS scientific interests are very diverse – from environmental protection to human health problems to theoretical mathematics and music generation with recurrent neural networks.

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