Monogrāfijas "Applied Macroeconomic Multisectoral Modeling" vāks

Applied Macroeconomic Multisectoral Modeling

Zinātniskie redaktori:
Douglas S. Meade, Starpnozaru ekonomikas pētījumu fonds, ASV

Velga Ozoliņa, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, Latvija

Applied Macroeconomic Multisectoral Modeling contains selected papers presented during the 23rd INFORUM World Conference held on August 24‒28, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand, the 24th INFORUM World Conference held on August 29 – September 2, 2016 in Osnabrueck, Germany, and the 25th INFORUM World Conference held on August 28 – September 1, 2017 in Riga, Latvia, and covers a wide range of topics with a common focus – multi-sectoral modeling. The topics covered include estimation aspects of the multi-sectoral models, analysis of the Tax reform in the USA and the related prospects of economic growth, assessment of interest rate capping on the South African Economy, long-term forecasts of Japan and Poland, modeling competitiveness in Latvia, China’s domestic value chain from the global value chain perspective, modeling of human capital in Russia, evaluation of macroeconomic impact of nuclear power plant projects and modeling of imported energy price effects in Turkey.

Papildus informācija


Douglas S. Meade, Velga Ozoliņa


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