DT: Autonomas lēmumpieņemšanas algoritmu modularizēta implementācija uzņēmuma resursu plānošanas sistēmās. Cover

Autonomas lēmumpieņemšanas algoritmu modularizēta implementācija uzņēmuma resursu plānošanas sistēmās

Doctoral Thesis

Jānis Pekša, Riga Technical University, Latvia

ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4125-494X

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are large modular enterprise applications designed for most enterprise business processes. They are mainly intended for transaction processing. ERP systems are used to implement the company’s business processes; to implement, modify and maintain ERP systems successfully, one needs to know the company’s business processes (BPs).

BPs is a set of activities, the execution of which results in the desired result. Events trigger the execution of the BP. Business activities are performed by employees who represent various functional areas of the company. Enterprise applications provide BP implementation. ERP systems are typically used to implement internal company processes. The basic processes of the ERP are finance, logistics, human resources, and others. The modules of the ERP system are production planning, materials management, sales and distribution, financial accounting, management accounting, and human resource management.

In the Thesis a framework that allows reducing the integration of forecasting methods in ERP systems has been developed. A standard integration method has been designed and developed, ensuring a simplified integration process in ERP systems.

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